Impact of HIV
The HIV/AIDS epidemic is firmly established in the general population of Uganda. As of 2018, the estimated HIV prevalence among adults (aged 15 to 49) stood at 57%. Women are disproportionally affected, with 8.8% of adult women living with HIV compared to 4.3% of men.  There are currently 1.4 million people living with HIV in Uganda.  800,000 children are orphaned due to HIV/AIDS in Uganda. There are still 23,000 AIDS-related deaths in Uganda annually.  (source UNAIDS, 2019). 

  • HIV is a chronic, manageable disease.
  • HIV medicines can't cure HIV, but they help people with HIV live long, healthy lives.
  • People with HIV take their HIV medications every day. Most individuals take only one combination pill per day.
  • HIV can only be transmitted in three ways: unprotected sex, sharing of needles, and mother to child during pregnancy or breastfeeding. But, U = U has changed this....
U = U

If a person is undetectable by taking their HIV medications every day, they are suppressed and the virus CAN NOT be transmitted!
This is called U = U
Undetectable = Untransmittable

Learn more at

HIV, the virus that causes AIDS is still taking the lives of individuals globally.  
To WIN the battle, we must combat:
  •  Stigma, isolation, & depression
  • Non-Compliance
  • Fear of getting tested
  • Access to antiretroviral therapy (HIV medications)

This is why programs like Crazy Love Africa are so important.  The community we create reduces the stigma and isolation our sisters feel become of their HIV status.  Both the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention emphasize support groups like Crazy Love Africa as one of the key strategies in the UN Global Plan for the elimination of pediatric HIV by keeping mothers alive and thriving for their children.  Models like CLA promote adherence to life-saving medications, impact on retention in care, quality of life, and HIV transmission.  (source: 

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